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Rosacea being a cause for concern? Dermatologists are available in Charlotte and can help! It is one of the many diseases that cause the most self-consciousness among people. People with Rosacea often find themselves covering up in order to hide their condition as it makes them feel uncomfortable that people are staring at them. We understand how you must be feeling. To feel like you don’t belong and that everyone is staring at you is hardly a good feeling. Having to suffer from itchiness and irritation on top of feeling self-conscious is very tiring.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that occurs out of the blue and remains for a period of time before disappearing and reappearing again. It typically begins after the age of 30 and affects mainly white women. Symptoms typically present themselves in the facial region. Cheeks, chin, and forehead are among some of the common regions you’ll find this condition-making base. It is unclear what causes someone to suddenly develop rosacea and what triggers flares up. It is usually a different triggering factor for each person. Research shows that it has caused 90% of people to lose their self-confidence. Therefore, rosacea can become life-altering, especially for people who are usually social butterflies. It not only affects you mentally, but you’re also dealing with the physical symptoms which make you really uncomfortable in general.

 Symptoms of Rosacea

Rosacea is just one of those conditions that can often get misdiagnosed as something else. It is therefore important to consult with the best dermatologist in order to get properly evaluated. It appears differently for everyone. Some may not have it as worse as others. Here are some of the most common symptoms of rosacea:

  • Redness: People with rosacea often present themselves with skin that constantly looks flushed or red like they’re always blushing
  • Pimples: Someone with rosacea would have pus-filled pimples spread in different areas of their face
  • Eye irritation: A symptom that you may not think is associated with rosacea is the irritation of the eyes. This is more common than you think!
  • Swelling: Areas like the face which are more affected often appear swollen and puffy
  • Dryness: The irritated skin is often dry, flakey, and feels like it’s shedding

How to treat Rosacea

There is no cure for this condition that would miraculously make all the symptoms disappear forever. The best being done is to manage the symptoms. Since everyone tends to have different symptoms, the treatment plan varies. It is important to consult with the top dermatologist in Charlotte in order to get a treatment plan that works best for you. Most patients get relief after applying prescription ointments and other anti-inflammatory medications. Having a good skincare routine makes all the difference as well!

Find top dermatologists in Charlotte for Rosacea

We understand seeking treatment is a big step to take sometimes. We’re here for you whenever you’re ready. If you believe you have rosacea and you’d like to get evaluated and get a treatment plan, contact Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte, Charlotte’s top Ballantyne and Blakeney Dermatologist, for your dermatology care.