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Dermatologists are experts in understanding lupus and the best ways to manage its symptoms in Charlotte. Don’t let this disease take away the life you deserve to live.

What is Lupus

Lupus is a disease that is caused when your immune system attacks your body’s own tissues and organs. It can affect different parts of your body such as your skin, bones, kidneys, and liver, etc. lupus is caused by both genetics and the environment.  And it is triggered by something you come in contact with in the environment. If you have lupus there are different ways that you can manage it some of which are as follows:

Avoid sunlight

People with lupus are more prone to be affected by sunlight as their skin is already too sensitive so it’s better to avoid going out as much. Sunlight can cause their skin to flare and have rashes. Of course, it would be impossible to stay indoors 24/7 so when leaving the house make sure to apply sunscreen. There are special creams available for people with lupus so they don’t have to worry when going out. You can also carry a hat with you when going out as a form of shade from the sun.

 Avoid certain foods

There are certain foods that can trigger lupus and cause flares and should be avoided at all costs. These foods include garlic or alfalfa sprouts etc. Although these foods are good for the immune system, when you have a cough or cold, people with lupus say that it has made their symptoms worse. Besides these foods, some toxins like alcohol and cigarettes should be prohibited as they can damage your body and cause you to have lupus even though you never had it before.

Complementary therapies

Although this has not proven to work scientifically, a lot of people with lupus suggested that complementary therapies help relieve some symptoms. Complementary therapies include having special diets, the use of ointments and creams, and some forms of chiropractic therapy. There are some alternative supplements you can take as well such as vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids, and turmeric to reduce the disease activity. Triptery is a natural herb also suggested by a lot of people to calm the immune system and relieve the symptoms of lupus.

Find top Charlotte dermatologists for lupus

Taking care of your skin is our dermatologists’ top priority. After all, it is what gives you the most confidence the moment you wake up and before you go to bed. We want to make sure you do absolutely everything you can to keep your skin looking like perfection. If you have any queries related to your skin or you’d like to get evaluated to set up a good skincare routine that works best for you, contact Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte, Charlotte’s top Ballantyne, and Blakeney Dermatologist, for your dermatology care.