As you start exploring your fat reduction options, you’ll discover four common methods.
- This treatment freezes fat cells to kill and remove them.
- Ultrasound treatments. These utilize sound waves to break down fat cells.
- This fat reduction method utilizes heat to remove fat cells.
- These are often used to break down fat in the face, such as on the chin.
Each of these four methods have the same goal, to break down fat cells. Many people don’t know that we have a finite number of fat cells. When people gain weight, the cell simply expands. These fat reduction treatments work to destroy fat cells, taking off inches for patients.
A Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte, we use VANQUISH to help patients with fat reduction. This product falls into the radiofrequency group and utilizes heat to break down fat. There are many reasons we use this type of treatment rather than other options.
- Results are seen quickly. Most people notice fat reduction within weeks, instead of months, which is common for other treatment options.
- It’s fat. This fat reduction treatment is able to treat three areas on the body in just 30 minutes. This means less time in the office for treatment, and more time out there.
- No pain. Many people turn to noninvasive fat reduction out of fear of surgery. VANQUISH is a pain free treatment option, making it idea for many patients.
If you have questions about whether or not this is a good option for you and can help you achieve your goals, please contact our office. We are happy to do a virtual consultation.