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8936 Blakeney Professional Drive

Charlotte, NC 28277

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1001 Mark Boulevard St.

New York, NY, US.

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00


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+01 2345 6789

Though it may seem counterintuitive to treat skin issues that can be caused, in part, by sun damage using light, that’s what BBL does. Using technology by SCITON, BBL uses light energy to heat up the upper layers of the skin. When the skin absorbs this heat, it stimulates the cells to start generating new collagen, which is what gives skin its elasticity and firmness.

BBL is used on targeted areas and is tailored to each patient’s needs, making this an effective treatment option for many.

After treatment, results, and recovery

One of the many benefits of BBL is the fast recovery time. The skin may be slightly flushed and red immediately after treatment, but this typically fades within hours. For those who use BBL to treat sunspots or areas with more pigmentation, they may notice these areas darkening over the next week or two. But, this will eventually peel off. It is safe to apply makeup after the treatment, but be sure to speak with your dermatologist to see if there are any types of makeup they recommend using.

After BBL you will likely be excited to see the results. Keep in mind, however, that it does take time for the skin to produce the new collagen and for you to see results. Plus, most patients require multiple treatments to achieve maximum results. Your dermatologist will be able to discuss how many treatments you will need at your consultation.

After BBL treatment, it is important to take good care of your skin to keep it in good condition. This involves protecting yourself from the sun, moisturizing, and more. Your dermatologist can help you create a good skincare routine for after BBL and beyond. They can also help you choose the right products for you.

Contact Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte, Charlotte’s top Ballantyne and Blakeney Dermatologist, for your dermatology care.