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Charlotte, NC 28277

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New York, NY, US.

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+01 2345 6789

Myth: You don’t need to worry about covering up when it’s cloudy.

It is often second nature to apply sunblock and wear hats when it is sunny out. But, cloudy days can damage your skin and increase your risk of this kind of cancer too. Since the damage the sun does to skin adds up, protecting it, even on cloudy days, is essential. Plus, the sun’s rays can cut through clouds and even give some people sunburns. Make sure you wear a hat, apply sunscreen, and seek shade, even when the sun isn’t as bright.

Myth: Skin cancer isn’t as serious as other types of cancers.

Some people feel this type of cancer isn’t as serious or as dangerous as other types of cancers. This can leave people lax on their prevention techniques. But, skin cancer can be just as dangerous. Like other types of cancers, skin cancer can spread if not caught and treated early. Thousands of people die from this type of cancer each year.

Myth: Tanning beds are safer than tanning in the sun.

Tanning beds are just as dangerous as tanning in the sun. Every time you tan, whether in a bed or outside, you damage the DNA in your skin, which increases your risk of getting skin cancer. People often turn to tanning beds to get a base tan to prevent burning, however, you can still burn, even with a base tan. It’s better to use a tanning lotion to achieve the bronzed look.

Charlotte, NC residents with questions about skin cancer, such as how to prevent it or detect it, should contact a dermatologist. If you are concerned about a mole, or spot, make sure to seek treatment right away. It is better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your skin and spotting skin cancer.  Contact Dermatology Specialists of CharlotteCharlotte’s top Ballantyne and Blakeney Dermatologist, for your dermatology care.