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Hyperpigmentation treatments and causes in Charlotte, NC
Hyperpigmentation is something many people in Charlotte, NC develop and have to deal with. These spots can appear for many reasons, but all can leave people feeling self conscious about their skin’s appearance. This can, in turn, lead to other social and psychological...
Dermatologist treats skin concerns in Charlotte, NC patients of all ages
A dermatologist is a type of doctor Charlotte; NC residents of all ages can benefit from seeing. Though most people are familiar with the term, they may not know what all this type of physician can treat, or when you should even reach out to one for an appointment. We...
Microneedling fights signs of aging in Charlotte, NC residents using collagen
Microneedling is an increasingly popular way for Charlotte, NC residents to rejuvenate and refresh their skin. IT does this by encouraging new collagen production in the area being treated. Collagen plays an important role in keeping skin looking young, in fact, it’s...
Fillers restore skin leaving Charlotte, NC residents looking younger
Fillers are a popular way for Charlotte, NC residents to restore their youthful appearance. As we age, it is not uncommon for our skin to start to lose some of its lusters. Wrinkles and fine lines may start to form, our cheeks may start to appear more sunken, and our...
Halo rejuvenates damaged skin in Charlotte, NC men and women
Halo is a treatment option available to Charlotte, NC men and women who are dealing with skin damage. Whether you are struggling with sun spots, the appearance of wrinkles, or just general poor skin appearance, you may find yourself feeling less than your best. As our...
Fat reduction for abdomen and thighs in Charlotte, NC
Fat reduction is something many people in Charlotte, NC and beyond struggle with. No matter how hard you work out or diet, there are sometimes areas that just won’t firm up or fat that just won’t go away. This can be frustrating and leave people working to struggle or...
PRP treatment guide: preparation and recovery in Charlotte, NC
One of the reasons that PRP treatment is so popular is because it is a noninvasive procedure. That means you don’t really have to do much to prepare, no fasting or medications beforehand are required. But, there are a few things you can do to help ensure your...
BBL for sun damaged skin in Charlotte, NC residents
BBL is a new option for Charlotte, NC residents dealing with sun damage. Though time in the sun may be fun at the time, leaving your skin exposed can cause damage. Skin exposed to the sun frequently can start to show signs of aging prematurely. You may start to...
Skin cancer myths Charlotte, NC residents should avoid
Skin cancer impacts more people in Charlotte, NC, and America, than you may realize. In fact, it is estimated that one out of every five Americans will be diagnosed with some kind of skin cancer at some point in their lives. Though most people know the basics of...
Clinical research opportunities for Charlotte, NC dermatology patients
Clinical research is something most people think happens in discreet labs, far from here, not in Charlotte, NC. But, clinical research happens more places than you may realize, including in Charlotte and our surrounding areas. Below, we cover what it is, why it is...