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8936 Blakeney Professional Drive

Charlotte, NC 28277

Customer Enquiry


1001 Mark Boulevard St.

New York, NY, US.

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00


Sales department

+01 2345 6789
Fractional resurfacing treatments for you in Charlotte NC

Fractional resurfacing treatments for you in Charlotte NC

Fractional resurfacing treatment: overview Fractional resurfacing treatment is a non-invasive treatment that uses a laser device that targets a fraction of the skin at a time. This device called a fractional laser provides precise microbeams of laser light into the...
Fractional resurfacing reduces signs of aging in Charlotte, NC

Fractional resurfacing reduces signs of aging in Charlotte, NC

Fractional resurfacing is a treatment option for Charlotte, NC residents who are dealing with a major concern: skin aging. As we grow older, one of the first places we start to show it is our skin. Collagen is a major factor in keeping our skin looking young. It is...